Chicago skyline with L train in foreground and Roosevelt University building in background

Get Empowered to Fight for Higher Ed

BY SIOBHAN SENIER The end of May is a time when most faculty are recharging after final grading and commencement, but it’s also a great time to take stock and plan for a change. Have you ever thought about lending your voice to defend higher education as a public good? Does it feel like you…

Chicago skyline with L train in foreground and Roosevelt University building in background

Register for Summer Institute in Chicago!

BY CHRISTOPHER SIMEONE Registration for the 2019 AAUP/AAUP-CBC Summer Institute is open! Join us July 25–28 at Roosevelt University in Chicago. View the complete program and reserve your spot. Summer Institute is a four-day workshop series that connects you with academic activists and develops your skills so you can make change on campus. Defend the…


Summer Series: Scenes from #AAUPSI at UNH

BY KELLY HAND The AAUP’s national office is quieter than usual because many of our staff are at the University of New Hampshire in Durham for the AAUP/AAUP-CBC Summer Institute, which begins today. Over two hundred faculty and academic activists will gather for four days of workshops and special programs to build their skills as…


Tell Us about Your Summer

BY KELLY HAND You’re probably all too familiar with the common misperception that academics have a cushy schedule. If you are only in class fifteen or fewer hours per week and do not teach at all during winter, spring, and summer breaks, the assumption is that you can do whatever you want with your abundant…


AAUP/AAUP-CBC Summer Institute in Pictures

Nearly three hundred academic activists convened at the University of Denver July 23–26 for the 2015 AAUP/AAUP-CBC Summer Institute. An intensive series of workshops and seminars prepared participants to organize their colleagues, stand up for academic freedom, and advocate for research and teaching as the core priorities of higher education. This was one of the…
