The University President’s Dilemma

BY STEVE MUMME This guest post is by Steve Mumme of the Colorado Conference.  Knowledgeable observers of the higher education landscape will have noticed the dilemma that university presidents now suffer in the face of the Trump administration’s recent executive orders banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim nations. The U.S. President’s discriminatory hard line on…


Politician for President? Consider This.

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Some politicians make good college presidents, at least on paper. As Rick Seltzer reported in Inside Higher Education last week , the best possess many of the same skills as successful college and university presidents. They are typically well connected with outside stakeholders, enjoy good name recognition, and know how to…


Presidential Residences Outside of Ohio, Part 2

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Emory University Florida State University University of Florida Furman University Gallaudet University George Washington University University of Georgia   Hampton University Harvard University University of Idaho _________________________ Other Posts in This Series: Housing Provided to Public University Presidents in Ohio: Residences of Presidents of public Universities in Ohio: Presidential…


Is This a New Trend, the New Revolving Door?

Critics of our current political system have frequently complained about the “revolving door” through which former legislators and other government officials pass on their way to K Street—to earning riches as lobbyists. But there are some indications that another revolving door may be opening, to the presidential mansions on university campuses. Three U.S. presidents served…