“Lazy Rivers” and “Aquatic Centers”: Suddenly the Climbing Walls Seem Kind of Trivial

One of the articles that I read on LSU’s “lazy river leisure center” mentioned that Texas Tech also has a “lazy river.”

A quick Google image search produced the following images of “aquatic centers” at a number of universities. I am not suggesting that these are the most elaborate “aquatic centers” at universities, or even that this is a fair sampling. Nor am I suggesting that all of these projects have cost anywhere close to the $85 million price tag for the LSU project.

But, honestly, if these images don’t suggest skewed priorities to anyone looking at them, then I think that trying to point out skewed priorities may be pointless.


LSU’s “Lazy River”:

LSU Lazy River Project 1


Texas Tech’s “Lazy River”:

Texas Tech Lazy River Project 1

Texas Tech Lazy River Project 2


Stephen F. Austin University:

Stephen F Austin U 1


University of Tennessee:

U of Tennessee 1

U of Tennessee 2


University of Missouri:

U of Missouri 1


University of Northern Iowa:

Northern Iowa Aquatic Center 1


Columbus State University:

Columbus State Lazy River Project 1

Columbus State Lazy River Project 2




2 thoughts on ““Lazy Rivers” and “Aquatic Centers”: Suddenly the Climbing Walls Seem Kind of Trivial

  1. My university is in the above list. Every year our administration tells us that there is no money for faculty raises. The last time the faculty had a reasonable raise (above 1-2%) was in the 1990s. The university has instead spent itself into debt building things like the above and luxury dorms that feel like 5-star hotels. Our faculty morale is lower than dirt, but at least our students have a lazy river to lounge in!

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