Amateur Detectives Featured in Mystery Novels and Series Who Are College and University Administrators, Staff, and Students

Cultural Representations of Higher Ed, No. 11

College and University Administrators:

Anne Packer-Brown, a dean (created by Virginia Crosby);

Grace Forrester, a retired dean (created by Ruth Galbraith);

Peter Haas (created by Robin Wilson);

Isabel Macintosh, a dean of the faculty (created by Herbert Resnicow);

Jack Troutbeck, a president of a women’s college (created by Ruth Dudley Edwards);

Francesca Wilson, a bursar (created by Janet Neel).

College and University Staff:

Edward George, a retired librarian (created by Charles Goodrum);

Susan Meredith, a Director of Affirmative Action (created by R.D. Brown);

Peggy O’Neill, a campus police officer (created by M.D. Lake).

Undergraduate and Graduate Students:

Lauren Adler (created by Victoria Silver);

Mali Anderson (created by Grace F. Edwards);

Terry Barber (created by Jane Meyerding);

Zach Blumberg, a graduate student (created by Peter Levine);

Nickie Callahan, an undergraduate (created by Charlaine Harris);

Randy Craig (created by Janice MacDonald Mant);

Sarah Deane, a graduate student in English (created by J.S. Borthwick);

William Dougal, a graduate student (created by Andrew Taylor);

Hillary Fenton (created by Patrick Quentin);

Nicole Halpern, an undergraduate (created by Patricia Wallace);

Kate Henderson, an Education major (created by J.R. Hulland);

Michael Hunt, an undergraduate (created by Victoria Silver);

Laura Ireland, a graduate student (created by Linda French Mariz);

Nora James, a graduate student in linguistics (created by Patricia McFall);

Willa Jansson, a law student and editor of the Law Review (created by Lia Matera);

Kate Jasper (created by Jaqueline Girdner);

Edmund “Jupiter” Jones, a graduate student in fine arts (created by Timothy Fuller);

Owen Keane, a graduate student in theology (created by Terence Faherty);

Maria Knight (created by M.J. Adamson);

Anthanasius Septimus Konti (created by Adam Broome);

Richard Malcolm, a graduate student (Created by James Grady);

Mallory (created by Max Allan Collins);

Neil Marshall, a graduate student in creative writing (created by Tim Hemlin);

Dana Morrow, a student of Victorian spiritualism (created by Caroline Llewellyn);

Mary Beth Nelson, a graduate student (created by P.M. Carlson);

Caroline Nevis, an American undergraduate studying in Great Britain (created by Reginald Hill);

Maggie Ryan, a graduate student (created by P.M. Carlson);

Phyllis `Flip’ Ryan, graduate student in engineering (created by Jack M. Bickham);

Janet Stevens (created by Irene Allen);

Lisa Stone, an undergraduate (created by Christopher A. Bohjalion);

Lucy Stone, a small-town journalist taking evening classes in literary studies (created by Leslie Meier);

Terry Williams, a graduate student in English (created by Tony Strong);

Finlet Wuerhrmann, a professor’s daughter (created by Mildred Davis).


The first eight posts in this series list and provide very brief synopses of 400 films treating higher education:

The first post in this series, covering films ranked 351 to 400 is available at:

The second post in this series, covering films ranked 301-350 is available at:

The third post in this series, covering films ranked 251 to 300 is available at:

The fourth post in this series, covering films ranked 201 to 250 is available at:

The fifth post in this series, covering films ranked 151 to 200 is available at:

The sixth post in this series, covering films ranked 101 to 150 is available at:

The seventh post in this series, covering films ranked 51 to 100 is available at:

The eighth post in this series, covering films ranked 1 to 50 is available at:

The ninth post in this series is Amateur Detectives Featured in Mystery Novels and Series Who Are College and University Professors, A-L:

The tenth post in this series is Amateur Detectives Featured in Mystery Novels and Series Who Are College and University Professors, M-Z:


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