Glimpses Back to a Time When Both College and Professional Football Had a More Amateur Air about Them

Business Insider presents some wonderful photo sequences.

One of the recent pieces is Tony Manfred’s “40 Stunning Photos That Show You What College Football Was Like 100 Years Ago” [].

Take a look at this photo of the Army Mascot from 1910 to 1915:

Army Mascot 1910-1915

It appears to be an ancestor of the “horse” currently featured as a recurring character on Craig Ferguson’s late-night talk show.

Here’s a photo of the quarterback for Brown. In the background is the Polo Grounds, and he is there for a game against Cornell. Take note of the very minimal protective equipment, including the oddly shaped leather helmet:

Brown's Starting Quarterback

Another of these nostalgic, football-related pieces is Leah Goldman’s “How NFL Cheerleader Uniforms Have Changed Through The Decades” []. It includes nine “then-and-now” pairs of photos, including this photo of the Baltimore Colts Cheerleaders in the early 1960s:

Baltimore Colts Cheerleaders, Early 1960s


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