The Best Novels Set in Every State: Part 1, Alabama to Georgia

These are my alternatives to the list created by Melia Robinson and Melissa Stanger for Business Insider. I am excluding works of nonfiction and listing my top three choices for each state. Titles included in the list compiled by Robinson and Stanger are indicated in boldface.

Alabama To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
Southern Discomfort Rita Mae Brown
Crazy in Alabama Mark Childress
Alaska Drop City T.C. Boyle
The Yiddish Policemen’s Union Michael Chabon
Why Are We in Vietnam? Norman Mailer
Arizona The Bean Trees Barbara Kingsolver
The Crossers Philip Caputo
Dance Hall of the Dead Tony Hillerman
Arkansas I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Maya Angelou
Living in Little Rock with Miss Little Rock Jack Butler
The Dog of the South Charles Portis
California The Day of the Locust Nathaniel West
Fat City Leonard Gardner
The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler
Colorado Plainsong Kent Haruf
The Mountain Lion Jean Stafford
Centennial James Michener
Connecticut Revolutionary Road Richard Yates
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit Sloan Wilson
The Ice Storm Rick Moody
Delaware Our House Henry Sidell Canby
For My Father Charles Wertenbaker
The Saint of Lost Things Christopher Castellani
Florida Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston
The Watson Trilogy Peter Matthiessen
Stormy Weather Carl Hiassen
Georgia Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell
Deliverance James Dickey
A Feast of Snakes Harry Crews

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