Please Stand with the Educators and Academic Professionals at Portland State University!

By a 94%-6% margin, the AAUP chapter at Portland State University has voted to strike on April 16 if substantive progress has not been made in their contract negotiations with their administration.

They ask that you show your support for that vote by signing this petition:

They were initially hoping to get at least 1,000 signatures on the petition. They have already surpassed that goal.

The chapter leadership feels very strongly that Portland State University is headed in the wrong direction. The faculty and academic professionals are fighting for a contract that will refocus the university on academic priorities and, in the process, contribute to the broader defense quality public higher education.

They will not accept a contract that their Administration, led by President Wim Wiewel, is attempting to force on them–a contract that is bad for workers and bad for students.

They recognize that their working conditions are their students’ learning conditions.

The strike will occur if the Administration continues to refuse to move on the issues that matter most to the faculty and the future direction of the university.

Please support the faculty & academic professional by telling Pres. Wiewel to settle a student-centered contract now!


President Wim Wiewel:

I support the educators and academic professionals at PSU in their demands for academic quality, faculty stability, equitable pay, and educator-led higher education.

I stand beside these workers in urging for a student-centered contract now! If PSU-AAUP calls for a strike, I will respect their picket line until a student-centered contract that meets their reasonable demands is settled. I urge you to take these negotiations seriously and settle a student-centered contract now.


Mary King is the PSU-AAUP Chapter president, and she can be contacted at




2 thoughts on “Please Stand with the Educators and Academic Professionals at Portland State University!

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