This Post from WordPress Is Hilarious in the Same Way That MOOCs and Badges and All of the Other Bullshit Is Hilarious—Because It Is Now All So Very, Very Plausible

Here at, we‘re always looking for ways to improve the blogging experience. We pride ourselves on taking your suggestions to heart and work tirelessly to create better tools for you.

Today, we’re releasing a game changer.

As becomes easier to use, one piece of unanswered feedback keeps nagging at us: blogging is hard! Not only do you have to think of something worth saying, you have to take valuable time out of your day to write those things down in an appealing, easy-to-read way! Improvements to can speed up things like load times, but we simply couldn’t remove human nature from the equation… until now.

What is AutoMatton?

AutoMatton uses a simple machine learning algorithm to predict the posts that you will write, taking predictive text and auto-correct to the next level. Think of it as your own private blogging DeLorean traveling at 88mph, but without the need for illegally-obtained plutonium.

AutoMatton analyzes all of the posts that you’ve published, Facebook statuses you’ve liked, Google reviews you’ve left, and emails you’ve sent your mother to produce prose that could have been written by you. Written by future you, that is. Amazing!

Haven’t written much yet? No worries! AutoMatton will fill in any gaps with text randomly pulled from three-year-old Yelp reviews and Wil Wheaton’s Twitter feed to produce full, seamless posts.

To read the rest, go to:



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