Sometimes English Seems like a Foreign Language

Today’s HuffPost Hill news brief has this headline: “Buzzkill McPartyfoul Transitions to Skadden.”

I believe that this is the news item that explains the headline: “WALL STREET FATCATS FOILED BY SCRAPPY STREET BAND – From the internal Skadden Arps email obtained by Above the Law this week: ‘As many of you are aware, a group of musicians have established themselves on the other side of 15th Street near the Treasury Building, and their “playing” is making it difficult for people in the 1440 building to work. Originally, they were only performing between noon and 2pm two days a week, but as of this week, they have been performing every day and longer hours. We tried negotiating with the band to relocate to another location, but were unable to convince them to move.’ Washingtonian reports today that someone from the firm tried to pay the band $200 to go away. The firm has also apparently tried calling local police AND the Secret Service, but it turns out bringing 30 seconds of joy to passersby is a legal way to make a living in this great nation (at least until Skadden Arps manages to change the law). Here’s to you, Spread Love Band. May your bucket be plentiful.”

Okay, but I still do not believe that I could actually paraphrase the headline.

I suspect that this may be another signpost on the road to advanced age.

I would retaliate by subjecting our younger readers with headlines full of the slang of the 1960s and 1970s, but I don’t think that I can actually remember enough of it.



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