The PubPeer Foundation

PubPeer, which “seeks to create an online community that uses the publication of scientific results as an opening for fruitful discussion among scientists,” has established The PubPeer Foundation “to help improve the quality of scientific research by enabling innovative approaches for community interaction.”

According to Retraction Watch, “the commenting site has allowed for robust discussions of scientific papers — which in turn have led to corrections and retractions.” RW asked a few questions of one of the newly revealed founders of PubPeer, Brandon Stell. He says:

We hope that the PubPeer Foundation will provide us with more opportunities to develop the site in ways that will help grow the community of post-publication peer reviewers and further encourage quality science. As more of us scientists become accustomed to commenting on papers, and as that becomes more of a part of the overall scientific process, I think we’ll be able to finally up-end the backwards reward structure that is currently in place in science.  Hopefully we can get to a point where the data are much more important to a scientist’s career than the journal that published them.