Wingnuts on Campus, Wright State Edition

The following item appeared in the September 24 edition of the Dayton Daily News.

“FAIRBORN – Wright State University officials did not charge a Cincinnati man who drew a crowd on the campus last week by tearing pages from a book that he said was the Quran, Islam’s holy book.

“In a YouTube video of the Sept. 15 incident, the man pulled the book from his backpack and ripped pages from it, upsetting spectators around the campus quadrangle, where public speakers often hold forth. . . .

“The man was later escorted to his car by campus police, Wright State Police Chief David Finnie said. There were no arrests, charges or injuries, he said. . . .

“’Our role here was simple,’ he added. ‘First of all, we support people expressing their First Amendment rights. There’s no better place than an academic setting.’ . . .

“The man in the video tearing pages from the book identified himself as John Williams after contacting this newspaper. ‘Sometimes it takes a radical approach to get people’s attention,’ he said when asked why he ripped pages from the book he identified as the Quran. ‘We’re just fishing for souls out there.’

“He said he bought the book at a used bookstore near WSU. . . .

“He said he is part of an organization he calls ‘Official Street Preachers’ whose members visit college campuses and employ ‘confrontational evangelism’ when preaching. ‘We confront people in their sins,’ he said.

“Williams said he has visited other college campuses, including the University of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky University. He said he used the same book last week at both of those universities.

“’Oftentimes, you use visual aids and props to demonstrate what God thinks,’ Williams said. . . .”


Gnau, Thomas. “Man Tears Apart Quran on Wright State Campus; Campus Police Escort Man after Incident.” Dayton Daily News 24 Sep. 2015: B, 1.




2 thoughts on “Wingnuts on Campus, Wright State Edition

  1. Beyond the insult to Islam, tearing up a book on an academic campus because “God wants” it–on an academic campus–! Maybe they’re right and the “end times” ARE here?

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