Ohio Legislation Permitting “Campus-Carry” Passes House. Now What?

Thank you to our members who took the time to send a message to their State Representative opposing House Bill 48. We had nearly 1,000 e-mails sent through our Action Network page by the end of House session on the day of the vote.

Despite our efforts, and the efforts of many other groups opposed to this “guns everywhere” bill, the legislation was passed by the House by a vote of 63 to 25. Perhaps more disappointing than the vote itself was the process. This bill was rushed to a floor vote, and Speaker Rosenberger did not allow any legislator opposed to the bill speak against, as he quickly moved to taking the vote after the sponsor summarized the legislation.

Regardless, it is so important that those Representatives heard our opposition, and we still have time to take action to convince the Senate not to go down this road.

At this time, we do not know how quickly the Senate might act on the bill, or how likely or unlikely it is to pass the Senate. What we do know is that State Senators need to start hearing our opposition to this legislation right away.

Click here to be taken to the Action Network page through which you can contact the State Senator that represents you.

We will continue to provide updates on this bill as further information becomes available.

Finally, we understand that not each of the 6,000 faculty we represent will agree with every position we take. The positions taken reflect thorough discussion and go through a democratic process.




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