Happy Thanksgiving from the Far Right

This is the cartoon of the day from the Far-Right website RedStates:

Far-Right Thanksgiving Cartoon

Although it is far from the worst caricaturing of President Obama that I have seen, it is reflective of the relentless attacks on anything and everything that he has done while in office.

It may be worth remembering the next time that there is a mass murder and the Far Right joins in its reflexive chorus of condemnation of President Obama’s unwillingness to refrain from politicizing such tragic events. Because, yes, the linkages between the ritual pardoning of the turkey and the terrible conflict in Syria are much more obvious than those between the ready availability of assault weapons and the increasing occurrence of mass murders.

Indeed, all of the GOP presidential candidates have asserted that President Obama’s Syrian strategy is disastrous. Yet, when they have been pressed on what they would do differently, except for those who would commit large numbers of American ground troops, the strategies that they are proposing are distinguishable from the President’s in only very minor or nuanced ways, if at all.

The media should be emphasizing to these candidates that if they assert that a policy is disastrous, they need to be proposing some very dramatically different alternative. But the GOP has gotten away with this tactic on everything from health care to immigration policies.

Ironically, the sustained appeal of Donald Trump and other non-establishment candidates may reflect the dissatisfaction among those on the extreme Far Right with the GOP’s largely rhetorical rejection of President Obama and all that he represents and its hesitancy to embrace the extreme positions that would actually be the diametrically different alternative.




2 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving from the Far Right

  1. Pingback: Happy Thanksgiving from the Far Right | ayeshawaheed

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