Quotation of the Day


“’I know why I get bad treatment in the New York Times. It’s because it’s owned by Mexico. I don’t know if you know, a rich guy in Mexico actually has power at the New York Times. I wonder why they don’t like us. You know, I just wonder.’”

“Trump was referring to Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire who gave The New York Times Co. a $250 million loan in 2009. Last year, he exercised his options to acquire 15.9 million shares in the company, becoming its largest stakeholder.

“As the New York Times reported in 2009, ‘Mr. Slim will receive no representation on the company’s board or any shares with special voting rights like those of the Sulzberger family, which controls the company.’

“In other words, Slim does not get to control the coverage of Trump in the paper.”

Reported by Amanda Terkel, Huffington Post, 17 Aug. 2016.

Front Page--New York Times


Front Page--New York Daily News


Front Page--Boston Globe




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