Research Study on Gender Inequality in Higher Education Administration Seeks Volunteer Participants


Merilee Madera is a doctoral student in Northeastern University’s Ed.D. program.

A research study exploring the experiences of women who have undergone gender inequality during their pursuit of academic leadership positions is being conducted. You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • are employed by a Research Doctoral institution as defined by the Carnegie Classification;
  • have never served as an academic dean or higher at a Research Doctoral institution; and
  • experienced within the past ten years what you believe to be the glass ceiling while pursuing a promotion to academic dean at a Research Doctoral institution and were unsuccessful in obtaining the position.

Confidential interviews with those selected to participate will occur during June 2017. There is no compensation for participating. Participation is voluntary.

If you have questions or are interested in being a part of this study, please send an e-mail that includes your phone number and best time to reach you to Merilee Madera at

This research is being conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Education degree from the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University.