Timely Satire beyond SNL and the Late-Night Talk Shows


I subscribe to the New Yorker and am very familiar with Andy Borowitz’s satiric pieces. But I did not think to put several of them together as they have been in the following item distributed several months ago by the Progressive Review in its weekly Undernews newsletter:

Trump Puts Andy Borowitz on His Mark

Recent Andy Borowitz Articles

The Pentagon has turned down Donald J. Trump’s request for a grand military parade in Washington, D.C., citing a sudden outbreak of bone spurs that would prevent men and women in uniform from participating.

Calling the result “close but no cigar,” Vladimir Putin has conceded defeat in Tuesday night’s special congressional election in Pennsylvania. “Our social-media trolls did some of their finest work to put Rick over the top, but, in the final analysis, we were a day late and a ruble short,” the Russian President said.

Hours after an armed teacher in a Northern California classroom fired a gun and injured a student, the head of the National Rifle Association proposed placing a second armed teacher in every classroom, to shoot the first armed teacher before he or she can do harm.


2 thoughts on “Timely Satire beyond SNL and the Late-Night Talk Shows

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