“The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same.” *** Faculties in the Connecticut State University system are facing an unprecedented attack on tenure and collective bargaining. In the current negotiations for a new contract with the American Association of University professors (AAUP), the Board of Regents…


Let the people of New York see labor’s story!

Stop the censorship of The City at the Crossroads of History! An Open Letter to the Puffin Foundation and the Museum of the City of New York: As individuals deeply concerned about both the history and current status of the labor movement, we are writing to oppose the suppression and censorship of a major new…



Dear Students and Fellow Artists, Recently, nine of your murals at Central CT State University were ordered destroyed by CCSU President Jack Miller. Nine more are on the immediate chopping block. Miller and Chief Administrative Officer Richard Bachoo waited until classes had ended for the semester – then, without informing the artists, faculty or the…


50 Voices Speaking in Defense of Art

  In response to news of the destruction of murals at Central CT State University, we have received dozens  of  letters from around the world. These messages speak to the value of our mural program and the incredible contribution that our students have made to this campus and the community beyond our walls.   We should…


Murals Being Destroyed at Central CT State University

On Wednesday, May 14, a student completing a project called me to report that murals were being systematically destroyed in Copernicus Hall at Central CT State University. CCSU is home to perhaps largest and finest collection of murals at any university in the world.   Previously, murals have occasionally been removed, but generally in consultation…


Bert the Turtle Meets Fear & Loathing on Campus

There was a turtle by the name of Bert And Bert the Turtle was very alert When danger threatened him he never got hurt He knew just what to do –  He’d duck and cover, duck and cover He’d hide his head and tail and four little feet He’d duck and cover! You may not…


Toothless Petitions or a Genuine Fight-Back?

Or, Eight Reasons Why the Education Petition is Inadequate, Misguided, and Generally Useless  The August 24 statement by AAUP President Rudy Fichtenbaum was compelling enough to generate some actual responses on the Academe Blog.  The post was a response to Barak Obama’s dreadful education proposals, and it’s a pretty good statement.  You can read it…


Frustrations, Crustaceans & Class Collaborations

(The opening meeting of the faculty union at CCSU was graced with the presence of University administrators, invited by AAUP officers, who provided them with a lavish lobster spread. Sadly, I was not present to bask in the glow of this company-union affection – but it has inspired me to make this poetic offering}: Colleagues…


The Kent/Jackson Massacres and the Coming Discontent

May 14 marks the 43rd anniversary of the bloody massacre at Jackson State University. On this day in 1970, Mississippi cops fired a deadly barrage of over 450 bullets at unarmed black students in a women’s dormitory. Two were left dead and at least 12 wounded. The murdered Jackson students were Phillip Gibbs, the son…