Section of Academe cover with blocky people against colorful buildings

Academe Explores Higher Ed’s Obligations Beyond Campus

POSTED BY SARAH MINK Volume 109, Number 2 The spring issue of Academe explores the complexities of higher education’s obligations to the outside world. In articles that emphasize the imperative to engage with—and develop policies responsive to—social concerns, contributors look beyond traditional ways of framing the relationship between campuses and communities. Download the whole issue as a PDF (AAUP…

Academe magazine cover that says "organizing matters"

New Academe Explores Pandemic Changes to Faculty Organizing

POSTED BY SARAH MINK The winter issue of Academe explores how the pandemic has changed faculty organizing and engendered new kinds of solidarity. The articles offer snapshots of the recent work of AAUP chapters around the country, provide templates for expanding the faculty’s influence on campus, and draw out lessons that chapters can carry forward into…


New Academe Examines Higher Education’s “Preexisting Conditions”

POSTED BY SARAH MINK Winter 2021 | Vol. 107, No. 1 This issue of Academe examines several “preexisting conditions” within higher education that the pandemic has thrown into sharp relief. These long-standing problems—blind spots, inequities, deficiencies in policies and practices—have been exacerbated during the present crisis, but they require more than short-term fixes. Follow the links in…

Cover of the new issue entitled "The Social Mission of Higher Education" against a white building.

New Academe Articulates a Broad Vision of Higher Ed’s Social Mission

POSTED BY SARAH MINK Winter 2020 | Vol. 106, No. 1 Contributors to this issue of Academe articulate a broad vision of higher education’s social mission. Articles focus on addressing the needs of working, low-income, and incarcerated students; victories in coalitional student-led organizing; institutional reckonings with the legacy of slavery; and other topics. Follow the links…