Jerry Brown, Chipotle, and Higher Ed

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH One of the basic logical fallacies that composition teachers warn their students to avoid is argument by analogy. No one has ever accused California Governor Jerry Brown of being uneducated or unintelligent. But, all too often, Progressives have latched onto their own harebrained ideas about “reforming” education. Of course, political brainstorms…

Teacher Strikes in Colorado: Law and Reality

BY RAY HOGLER Teachers from various state school districts rallied in Denver on April 26-27, 2108, to demand increases in pay and benefits. Most affected districts chose to cancel classes on those days rather than attempting to cope with the walkouts. In Fort Collins, Poudre School District Superintendent Sandra Smyser declared that “teachers’ actions are…

Newfield on the Proposed Cuts at Stevens Point, Part II

BY CHRISTOPHER NEWFIELD The following is reposted with permission from the Remaking the University blog. Christopher Newfield is Professor of English at the University of California at Santa Barbara and a member of the Academe advisory board.  Part I of this two-part series may be found here.  Responding to Bulk Cuts in Qualitative Fields: the…