Call for Proposals: Reconsidering the AAUP’s Racial History

POSTED BY THE AAUP The history of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) since its founding in 1915 has coincided with racial upheaval and transformation in the academy at large, from desegregation to current struggles for racial justice. Academe, the magazine of the AAUP, invites proposals for articles that would examine the Association’s work over…

Responding to Robert Kuttner

BY HANK REICHMAN I usually admire American Prospect editor Robert Kuttner’s writings, but a short piece published online today, “The Republican Attack on Tenure,” got my hackles up a bit.  Most of the piece is fine, calling appropriate attention to the assault on both tenure and academic freedom being waged by the GOP in red…

Financial Shenanigans, Florida Style

BY HANK REICHMAN The recently released preliminary report of the AAUP’s special committee to review an apparent pattern of politically, racially, and ideologically motivated attacks on public higher education in Florida, which I am co-chairing, concludes that “academic freedom, tenure, and shared governance in Florida’s public colleges and universities currently face a politically and ideologically…


What Do We Know about Faculty Work and Academic Careers?

BY ADRIANNA KEZAR, JOHN W. CURTIS, EMILY KOREN, AND KC CULVER The answer to the question our title poses is not very much—yet. There are serious challenges facing higher education in the United States today, from efforts to restrict teaching “uncomfortable” subjects to new and repeated attacks on tenure and the persistent underfunding of colleges,…

Red background with "Call for Proposals: The Higher Ed Data Juggernaut" in white text

Call for Proposals: The Higher Ed Data Juggernaut

BY SIOBHAN SENIER Few faculty have the knowledge—or the time—to consider how information about us and our work is being collected and used. AAUP’s Academe magazine is soliciting contributions for a special issue on data mining and learning analytics, especially as these phenomena affect faculty governance and workload. What data, exactly, are colleges and universities…

A magnifying glass appears shows a piece of paper, in a manual typewriter, with the word BUDGET typed on it

The Academic Court of Public Opinion

BY RAPHAEL SASSOWER It makes sense for an administrator to be sued in court for violating the law. As a suit proceeds against University of Colorado Colorado Springs chancellor Venkat Reddy, charged with violating the civil rights of an employee, there has been no word from campus officials. It also makes sense for a university…

"AI" appears in blue letters within a blue box with a black background and blue, intersecting lines behind it that suggest networks

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Higher Education

BY JOSHUA KNICKERBOCKER In early 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) made headlines when one of the most popular AI-powered tools, ChatGPT, passed the medical licensing boards, as reported in an Insider story. The ability of AI to pass difficult examinations easily and reliably has prompted many scholars to question the implications for academia. ChatGPT is a…

Thoughts on the “Heckler’s Veto”

BY HANK REICHMAN The so-called “heckler’s veto” is much in the higher ed news these days, with Inside Higher Ed this week running a piece, “Shouting Down Speakers Who Offend,” focusing on incidents at SUNY Albany, Stanford, and San Francisco State Universities. The Stanford incident has prompted two prior posts to this blog (here and here).…