From the Guest Editor: Higher Education in Wartime

BY HENRY REICHMAN Following is the guest editor’s introduction to the winter 2025 issue of Academe, out this week. The full table of contents for the issue is available here. We live in a world at war. According to the United Nations, the current century can be characterized as “a new era of conflict and violence.” The…

Image of the fall 2024 Academe cover, a deep purple background with an artistic rendition of people joining arms in a circle with the title "The Status of Academic Collective Bargaining" in the middle

From the Editor: The State of Faculty Unions

BY MICHAEL FERGUSON Following is the editor’s introduction to the fall 2024 issue of Academe, “The Status of Academic Collective Bargaining,” out this week. The full table of contents for the issue can be found here. Recently released data from the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Educa­tion and the Professions brought…

collage of images of AAUP documents related to race in higher education along with photos of Angela Davis, campus activists during the civil rights era, and early AAUP leaders, all white men, in suits

From the Editor: Reconsidering the AAUP’s History

BY MICHAEL FERGUSON Following is the editor’s introduction to the spring 2024 issue of Academe, “Race and the AAUP,” out this week. The full table of contents for the issue can be found here. This issue of Academe takes an overdue step toward reconsidering the role of race in the AAUP’s history. In a time of backlash against racial…

Image of the cover of the winter 2024 issue of Academe magazine, "The Higher Ed Data Juggernaut." Ocean waves are overlaid with data points. The words "The Higher Ed" are in white font, and "Data Juggernaut" is in yellow.

From the Guest Editor: The Higher Ed Data Juggernaut

BY SIOBHAN SENIER Following is the guest editor’s introduction to the winter 2024 issue of Academe, out this week. The full table of contents for the issue is available here.  In memoriam David Golumbia* In December 2020, a group of leading scholars of educational technology, including Jesse Stommel—a contributor to this special issue—held a landmark teach-in #AgainstSurveillance. The…

Cropped cover of the fall 2023 issue of Academe magazine, "Confronting Legislative Attacks on Higher Education"

Editor’s Note: Confronting Legislative Attacks on Higher Education

BY MICHAEL FERGUSON Following is the editor’s introduction to the fall 2023 issue of Academe, out this week. The full table of contents for the issue is available at Students returning to New College of Florida this fall found a campus in the midst of stark transformation. More than a third of the faculty…

Red background with "Call for Proposals: The Higher Ed Data Juggernaut" in white text

Call for Proposals: The Higher Ed Data Juggernaut

BY SIOBHAN SENIER Few faculty have the knowledge—or the time—to consider how information about us and our work is being collected and used. AAUP’s Academe magazine is soliciting contributions for a special issue on data mining and learning analytics, especially as these phenomena affect faculty governance and workload. What data, exactly, are colleges and universities…

Section of Academe cover with blocky people against colorful buildings

Academe Explores Higher Ed’s Obligations Beyond Campus

POSTED BY SARAH MINK Volume 109, Number 2 The spring issue of Academe explores the complexities of higher education’s obligations to the outside world. In articles that emphasize the imperative to engage with—and develop policies responsive to—social concerns, contributors look beyond traditional ways of framing the relationship between campuses and communities. Download the whole issue as a PDF (AAUP…

Academe magazine cover that says "organizing matters"

New Academe Explores Pandemic Changes to Faculty Organizing

POSTED BY SARAH MINK The winter issue of Academe explores how the pandemic has changed faculty organizing and engendered new kinds of solidarity. The articles offer snapshots of the recent work of AAUP chapters around the country, provide templates for expanding the faculty’s influence on campus, and draw out lessons that chapters can carry forward into…
