Of Presidents and Poodles

Seizing a Sculpture “At Canada’s Capilano University, the administration confiscates a professor’s work caricaturing the president on the grounds that it constitutes ‘harassment.’”  –INSIDE HIGHER ED I must say the Poodle is looking very presidential. The extended touch of gray shows someone who has had his share of worries, and the sharp, long tooth making…

Taking Rejection in Stride

Thanks to those wonderful folk at Retraction Watch, I now know where I am going to submit my next article and at which conference I would like to present. Come one, come all, to the Journal of Universal Rejection and its brand-new Conference of Universal Rejection!

Political Parties That Are Aware That They Are a Joke

This is another item that I am re-posting from Futility Closet (www.futilitycloset.com). It is re-posted with the permission of Greg Ross, who maintains the site. You can have daily updates from the site delivered to your e-mail each morning. ______________ The Rhinoceros Party of Canada claimed to have an appropriate mascot, as politicians by nature…

A Last-Minute Gift Idea for That Special Someone

The article was written by my former student and friend Mike Lamm. Mike is a reporter for the Decatur Daily Democrat. This may be a somewhat desperate attempt to link the topic of this piece to academia, but after I read it, I couldn’t help but wonder how the folks who have done the R&D…

Something to Get You through Another Hump Day

Reading even just the headlines to these new stories in The Onion should put a smile on your face: Snooze Button Time Traveler Sets Coordinates for Five Minutes into the Future Nation’s Amateur Skateboarders Haven’t Landed Trick in 12 Years 17-Year Cicadas Horrified to Learn about 9/11 Man Creates Functional Gun on 3-D Printer Seedless…