A Link to "The Trouble With Textbooks: A Great American Rip-Off"

The following is a link to an article I published about textbooks.  I resolve to do something concrete about this problem, and one part of the solution will be abandoning the practice of using textbooks for certain courses.  I hope others will follow and offer suggestions.  I hope others may already be teaching without “required” textbooks. http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/22/the-trouble-with-textbooks-a-great-american-rip-off/


Flat Funding? Not in the Reality-Based World

It’s been a little over two weeks since Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett delivered his annual budget address. Corbett’s office signaled in advance that his proposed 2013-2014 budget would not be as draconian as the previous two. I think it would be fair to say that the governor would have to work extraordinarily hard to try…


First-Year Composition: Teaching or Service?

The November-December issue of Academe looks at faculty service. It is perhaps the most ambiguous of the traditional triad along with teaching and research, and the articles in this issue seek to describe the different ways that faculty conceive of service, and the different ways that service is (or is not) recognized. Read the issue…