Gig University

There’s no point in continuing college and university structures as they have existed for over a century. They’re too expensive, inefficient and poorly focused. An entire culture has built up around them, including assumptions about the experience, the faculty and the outcome. These can all be swept away without materially affecting the quality of instruction…


Trump, the Self-Caricature, Requires a Satirist with a Minimalist Touch

So, Hillary Clinton’s very safe, if momentarily controversial prediction that Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim pronouncements would become material for ISIS recruitment videos has been proven accurate. Here is a summary from the Far-Right news service Newsmax: “Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is featured in a new terrorist recruitment video, according to multiple news reports. “In the…


Hilarious Satirical Item on Institutional Branding

On October 1, a satirical column in the London Times Higher Education supplement included the following item:   Branding Room Only Poppleton’s Deputy Head of Brand Management, Georgina Edsel, has described a recent article in Times Higher Education on marketing techniques as ‘backward looking.’ “She particularly objected to the manner in which its author, Philip…


Must-See Video: The Yes Men Pose as Members of the Iowa Regents’ Efficiency Review Committee

The Yes Men — whose slogan is “impersonating big-time criminals in order to publicly humiliate them, and otherwise giving journalists excuses to cover important issues” — delivered a satirical speech yesterday at the Iowa City Public Library wherein they posed as representatives of the Iowa Regents, as well as the private consulting firm that is doing the…



Guest blogger Ulf Kirchdorfer teaches English at Darton State College in Albany, GA. He says that “in wake of recent seriousness and silliness, I wrote the piece in part to come to terms with recent events.” We were going to invite Jesus Christ to come speak at our school, but the trouble was some said he was Jewish,…