New Trinity College Statement on Johnny Williams

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH   Update, July 14: Trinity Dean of Faculty Releases Report after Review of Recent Social Media Activity   ​July 14, 2017 To the Trinity College Community, Freedom of inquiry and freedom of expression in pursuit of the truth are essential, not only to the health of the academy but also to…


Faculty in the Networked Public Sphere

BY KELLY HAND “Can social media cause revolution?” Adeline Koh asks this question in her May–June Academe article, “Imagined Communities, Social Media, and the Faculty.” Countering critics who see online engagement with politics and social issues as a form of ineffectual “slacktivism,” she provides a theoretical framework for understanding the potential of social media to…


Electing A President Without Facts

BY KELLY WILZ “We need media literacy as much as we need to learn to read.”- Jennifer Pozner “The world will not be a better place when these fact-based news organizations die.  We will be propelled into a culture where facts and opinions will be interchangeable, where lies will become true and where fantasy will…


And Now the Backlash

Anyone who thought that minority student complaints about racism at the University of Missouri, which led to the resignations on Monday of system President Timothy Wolfe and Columbia campus Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin, were exaggerated should check out this account of developments over the past two days from the campus newspaper, The Maneater.  “Many students…


Repercussions of the Salaita Case

This morning the Chronicle of Higher Education published an excellent and important article by Beth McMurtrie entitled, “Nearly a Year Later, Fallout From Salaita Case Lingers on Campuses.”  It is definitely worth reading, and not just because I’m quoted in it several times.  The article also provides an opportunity for some further reflection on the…
