Activists Versus the Student Press

BY JOHN K. WILSON Mary Chappell, editor-in-chief of the Loyola Phoenix (Loyola University of Chicago) has a great editorial this week rejecting attacks from student protesters who objected to being reported on. The student protesters at Loyola argued: As we all know by now, 7 of our friends were arrested while protesting. Some of the…


Call for Proposals on Student Rights and Freedoms

BY KELLY HAND In 1967, during a period of intense student protests, the AAUP and four other groups issued a Joint Statement on Rights and Freedoms of Students. Many issues covered in the statement are as pertinent fifty years later as they were in 1967. The AAUP invites proposals for presentations focused on these issues…


Placing the New Student Activism in Historical Context

Writing for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution [31 Dec. 2015: A,1], Nedra Rhone reports on the rise in organized student activism nationwide but especially in greater Atlanta. In the article “Today’s Student Activists: On Fire against a Gumbo of Issues,” she emphasizes that this new wave of student activism is targeting more than racism, addressing issues “from…


2014 Report of the Ohio Student Association

In an earlier post this week, I provided the legislative testimony that was presented by Gavin DeVore Leonard, the Director of One Ohio Now, on the proposed biennial budget for Ohio. One Ohio Now is just one of the groups with which the Ohio Conference of AAUP has become allied. Another is the Ohio Student…


A Link to "The Trouble With Textbooks: A Great American Rip-Off"

The following is a link to an article I published about textbooks.  I resolve to do something concrete about this problem, and one part of the solution will be abandoning the practice of using textbooks for certain courses.  I hope others will follow and offer suggestions.  I hope others may already be teaching without “required” textbooks.


What’s Happened in Kosovo and What Is Happening Here

In Kosovo, students had been clashing with police for weeks, with dozens of police and students reportedly injured in the process. The students were intent on removing not just the head of Pristina University, the small country’s major university, but also a number of the faculty, after it became apparent that their academic credentials were…