Kim Davis: Oppressed or Oppressor?

There are certainly times when it is morally necessary to resist one’s government. Thoreau wrote, “There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.” Sometimes saying…

On Becoming the Enemy We Fight

A supplementary Report on the AAUP-Censured Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge appeared today. It deals with the dismissal of Teresa Buchanan: Buchanan, a specialist in early childhood education with an unblemished eighteen-year performance record, was being evaluated for promotion to full professorship when a district school superintendent and an LSU student filed complaints against her,…

The PubPeer Foundation

PubPeer, which “seeks to create an online community that uses the publication of scientific results as an opening for fruitful discussion among scientists,” has established The PubPeer Foundation “to help improve the quality of scientific research by enabling innovative approaches for community interaction.” According to Retraction Watch, “the commenting site has allowed for robust discussions…

The Tyranny of Standardized Testing

What has been happening to our public schools is beginning to happen to our colleges. The tyranny of testing is filtering up. We involved in higher education need to be listening to the experiences of those involved in K-12, as the author of this post, Jamaal Bowman, is:

Stephen King and Donald Trump

…It’s not only the geniuses who have the problem. They are the lucky ones—or, in some cases, the unlucky. At either end of the mass of us…. Stephen King wrote an op-ed piece for The New York Times the other day, “Can a Novelist Be Too Productive?” My immediate response was, “No, but who cares?”…