Taking Rejection in Stride

Thanks to those wonderful folk at Retraction Watch, I now know where I am going to submit my next article and at which conference I would like to present. Come one, come all, to the Journal of Universal Rejection and its brand-new Conference of Universal Rejection!

“I wouldn’t buy a used car from a university president.”

So says Richard Vedder in “New Analysis Shows Problematic Boom In Higher Ed Administrators,” an article by Joe Marcus appearing last week on Huffington Post. Marcus writes: Universities have added these administrators and professional employees even as they’ve substantially shifted classroom teaching duties from full-time faculty to less-expensive part-time adjunct faculty and teaching assistants, the figures show.…

A Solution for Bad Teaching? Really?

In a well-meaning article for The New York Times, Wharton professor Adam Grant proposes trifurcating tenure, slashing it apart, essentially, in order to save it. He ends by writing: Dividing tenure tracks may be what economists call a Pareto improvement: It benefits one group without hurting another. Let’s reserve teaching for professors with the relevant passion…

Doing What You Love

A piece by Nate Kreuter, “More Than Love,” on Inside Higher Ed today alerted me to Miya Tokumitzu’s article “In the Name of Love” for the magazine Jacobin. She writes: There’s little doubt that “do what you love” (DWYL) is now the unofficial work mantra for our time. The problem is that it leads not to salvation,…

The Point of Academic Publishing

An (apparently) non-academic writer, Sarah Kendzior, has an article in the new “Vitae” project of The Chronicle of Higher Education called “What’s the Point of Academic Publishing?” Is hers a good question? I am not sure, for I am not sure what  “academic publishing” means. Not any longer. Today, I believe it is becoming something of a…

Just-In-Time Faculty

Inside Higher Ed today posted an article by Colleen Flaherty called “Congress Takes Note.”  It deals with a new report, “The Just-In-Time Professor: A Staff Report Summarizing eForum Responses on the Working Conditions of Contingent Faculty in Higher Education” from the U.S. “House Committee on Education and the Workforce Democratic Staff.” Its conclusions are all what we have known for…