Image of a "VOTE" button on an American flag

Support Your Students’ Right to Vote!

BY SAM NOVEY AND MICHAEL ROSENBLUM We are sharing a unique, non-partisan opportunity for all faculty to bolster voter participation in this critical time. The Nonpartisan College Voter Registration and Education Project aims to increase student voter registration and turnout by asking faculty to devote five minutes of class time to voter education and on-the-spot…

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Rebuilding the Infrastructure of Academic Freedom

BY EVE DARIAN-SMITH Something is broken in our college and university systems. Professors are being declared “the enemy of the people” by J. D. Vance and other MAGA Republicans. Book bans, curriculum reviews, attacks on DEI programs, threats of defunding, and suspending faculty or removing their tenure are becoming widespread. Students engaged in peaceful assembly…

Close-up of a map with a red pin in California

Suppression of Free Speech by the University of California

BY CAROLE H. BROWNER ET AL. A group of senior professors at the University of California was denied free speech and academic freedom by the administration and its nine student newspapers during the COVID-19 pandemic in furtherance of the university’s abominable policy of silencing all dissent, questioning, and criticisms of its draconian COVID policies. The…

Black-and-white photo of a man standing in front of a large group of students for an outdoor class at a desert checkpoint in the West Bank.

The Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel as a Defense of Academic Freedom

BY ANTHONY ALESSANDRINI  The AAUP’s new “Statement on Academic Boycotts,” which reverses its prior opposition to academic boycotts, is a major declaration. Stating clearly that boycotts “can be considered legitimate tactical responses to conditions that are fundamentally incompatible with the mission of higher education,” it confirms there are instances in which upholding academic freedom may…

Screenshot of the web page for the University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies shows mural with gray-toned silhouettes of several individuals of various ages

Academic Freedom and the Raz Segal Affair at Minnesota

BY NATHANIEL MILLS Joe Lockard’s August 8 Academe Blog post criticizes, with multiple errors and missing contexts, a statement of the executive committee of the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities AAUP chapter. The chapter’s statement protests the role played by nonacademic groups in the UMN administration’s recent decision to block the hire of Raz Segal as…

Screenshot of the web page for the University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies shows mural with gray-toned silhouettes of several individuals of various ages

“Outsiderism” and Academic Freedom

BY JOE LOCKARD  Very few people other than faculty members pay attention to faculty statements directed at administrations. It is rare that they have political impact beyond colleges and universities. We nonetheless write and publish them as instruments for establishing a faculty voice. Therein lies a problem: faculty statements can become blinkered issuances that use…

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Academic Integrity in Academic Publishing

BY DAVID MOSHMAN Academic freedom, in the definitive 1940 AAUP Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, includes “full freedom in research and in the publication of the results.” Any law that prevents publication of academic research because it reaches conclusions the government deems objectionable is a clear violation of academic freedom. In recent…