Storms and Communities and Politics

Yesterday, I was in Dayton, Ohio, meeting with several leaders of the Ohio Student Association (OSA). The Ohio Conference (OCAAUP) and our chapter at Wright State University have been supporting the group very enthusiastically. The OSA formed during the We Are Ohio campaign to repeal Senate Bill 5 as a mechanism for reaching voters 18-30.…

Of Presidents and Poodles

Seizing a Sculpture “At Canada’s Capilano University, the administration confiscates a professor’s work caricaturing the president on the grounds that it constitutes ‘harassment.’”  –INSIDE HIGHER ED I must say the Poodle is looking very presidential. The extended touch of gray shows someone who has had his share of worries, and the sharp, long tooth making…

Reichman in the Times

Our own Hank Reichman (click here to see a list of his posts) has contributed to a New York Times opinion section “Room for Debate” spread, “Tongue-Tied on Campus.” Not only is he an important contributor to this blog but Reichman is the AAUP’s first vice president and chairman of the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure. His most…

College Administrators Simply Should Not Be Investigating Criminal Complaints: How They Are Doing It Is Not the Problem; That They Are Doing It Is the Problem

These are the opening paragraphs of an article written by Teresa Watanabe for the Los Angeles Times; the title of the article is “College Administrators Learning to Be Sexual Misconduct Detectives”: “Butte College administrator Al Renville was never trained as a police investigator, but that’s close to the job he found himself in when two…

Low-Wage Workers Have No Where Left to Go but into the Streets

Fast food has become a global industry, and now the labor unrest in that industry has gone global. Businessweek has provided a fairly thorough overview of the scope of the protests that occurred yesterday in 33 nations: Robert Reich has provided a succinct statement of why these workers deserve broad support: And the advocacy site Low…

An Appeal to Conservative Scholars, and Its Outcome

By Donald Lazere I sent out the following “Appeal” last February. I received no response from ACTA and a form rejection from the Center for the American University. NAS posted it on its home page, where it received two evasive responses. George Leef, head of the Pope Center, answered with a review of my book.…