Faculty Cuts at Quinnipiac

On the evening of Monday, May 5, the deans at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut received an email informing them of a staffing meeting the next day. At that meeting, the deans of certain schools were told that they had a grand total of two days–during final exam week–to consult with department chairs and determine which 16 full-time faculty would be…

Addendum to "Adjuncting for Dummies"

This “book” seems very analogous to the sections of the WalMart and McDonald’s websites that are devoted to “career opportunities” with those companies–as if any significant number of those in the corporate management have worked their way up from stocking shelves, working the cash registers, or putting together sandwiches. Of course, adjunct faculty have invested so…

Adjuncting for Dummies

Yesterday Inside Higher Ed published a brief item entitled “Skeptical Reception for New Book on Becoming Adjunct.”  The article reported on a new 51-page book, available for free via the Internet, with the remarkable title Become a Part-Time Professor: live and teach anywhere you like.   Needless to say, more than a few “part-time professors” have…

Prevention of Bullying on Campus

Clara Wajngurt lists numerous ways that bullying can manifest itself on campus, from coworkers to students, and the possible effects, both psychological and physical. In her article for the May-June 2014 issue of Academe, she discusses not only the causes and symptoms of bullying, and ideas for how to end or prevent it. As her…

Of Presidents and Poodles

Seizing a Sculpture “At Canada’s Capilano University, the administration confiscates a professor’s work caricaturing the president on the grounds that it constitutes ‘harassment.’”  –INSIDE HIGHER ED I must say the Poodle is looking very presidential. The extended touch of gray shows someone who has had his share of worries, and the sharp, long tooth making…

AAUP Testimony on Faculty Workload, Student Debt, Administrative Bloat, and Instructional Spending

Testimony of John McNay, President of the Ohio Conference of AAUP, on House Bill 484, before the Ohio State Senate Finance Committee, on May 13, 2014 Chairman Oelslager, Ranking Member Sawyer, and distinguished members of the Senate Finance Committee: my name is John McNay and I am President of the Ohio Conference of the American…