Fox News to Hire Fat and Ugly Women, O'Reilly Undergoing Hormone Treatments
In an announcement that shocked even the last reader of Victoria’s Secret catalogs alive, Brian Kilmeade, Fox News announced that it is going to do a booty-reset, which entails the hiring of on-air personnel, particularly female ones, that are fat and ugly. “We are undergoing a paradigm shift,” a masked and invisible spokes-entity for Fox…
When You Drop Your Freshman Off at College Remember This
"Welcome to Sweden": American and Swedish Bathos?
A Sorry Airline: An Opportunity for Collaboration
An article in the Thursday, July 10, edition of The Wall Street Journal, “Who Is the Sorriest Airline?”, by Scott McCartney, provides beautiful fare for thinking once the amusement factor begins to wear off. An excerpt from a Delta Air Lines letter to one Margery Rothenberg, a passenger who complained about hitting her head while…
The Great, All-American, Academic Screw: Some Musings
It seems everywhere we turn these days, we have to listen to someone or read about someone getting screwed. And it’s never a good screw, or if it is a good screw, that means the person still got shafted. Perhaps the only really good screw will be about someone actually having great consensual sex in…
The Pen Is Mightier Than the Smartphone
Obviously this is a riff on “the pen is mightier than the sword,” and I think even many “lesser-educated” people have heard this saying. But I wonder if the “more-educated” really know where the saying comes from. According to Wikipedia, the go-to source for persons also at the college-level, the line first appeared in Edward…
Another Hammond Review: Like a Hole in the Head
I don’t know if the world needs another review of Become a Part-Time Professor: Live and teach anywhere you like, but I am now following in the footsteps of my truly esteemed colleagues Aaron Barlow and Hank Reichman, reviewing it after having downloaded this “book” and thumbed my way through the dumb thing on my smartphone…
Summer Special: Words with Friends
Walk Jog Run . . . We Can Teach That!
Colleagues and I who are more deskbound than individuals who teach P.E. have joked about, I mean entertained the thought of, teaching walk jog run classes. We should be able to do it, even if our advanced degrees are in accounting, biology, or English. A fact that many faculty do not know is that in…