"Welcome to Sweden": American and Swedish Bathos?

In order for something to be funny–In Sweden or the United States–it must first be funny. The challenge with being funny is that being deliberately funny is not very funny. No, I am not talking about the entire episode of the new NBC show Welcome to Sweden. I am referring to the opening scene in…


The Great, All-American, Academic Screw: Some Musings

It seems everywhere we turn these days, we have to listen to someone or read about someone getting screwed. And it’s never a good screw, or if it is a good screw, that means the person still got shafted. Perhaps the only really good screw will be about someone actually having great consensual sex in…


The Pen Is Mightier Than the Smartphone

Obviously this is a riff on “the pen is mightier than the sword,” and I think even many “lesser-educated” people have heard this saying. But I wonder if the “more-educated” really know where the saying comes from. According to Wikipedia, the go-to source for persons also at the college-level, the line first appeared in Edward…