Interviews on Women and Harassment in Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

BY IRENE NGUN The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is conducting a study of the impacts of gender-related experiences on women in science, engineering, and medical fields, and they have contracted with RTI International to gather information for the study. RTI International plans to conduct one-hour, in-depth telephone interviews with approximately 40 women…

Research Study on Gender Inequality in Higher Education Administration Seeks Volunteer Participants

BY MERILEE MADERA Merilee Madera is a doctoral student in Northeastern University’s Ed.D. program. A research study exploring the experiences of women who have undergone gender inequality during their pursuit of academic leadership positions is being conducted. You may be eligible to participate if you: are employed by a Research Doctoral institution as defined by…

You've got mail!

Seven Years an Adjunct: Part II

BY APRIL FORD In this, the second and last part of my mini-series about being a “terminal” adjunct on the market for a full-time teaching position in academe, I embrace my present fate (I’ve been rejected by every institution I’ve applied to since December 2016) and express my dismay in epistolary form (based, to some…

The Fight Over Feminism on Campus

BY JOHN K. WILSON Review of Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus by Laura Kipnis (HarperCollins, April 4, 2017) When Northwestern University professor Laura Kipnis wrote an irreverent essay for the Chronicle of Higher Education in 2015 about regulations on campus, and discussed a sexual assault case, it sparked discussion, praise, outrage, protest (literal mattress-waving…

Why I Struck

BY RENATA KOBETTS MILLER Guest blogger Renata Kobetts Miller is an associate professor of English at the City College of New York, where she teaches Victorian literature.  She recently concluded being chair of her department, and this summer she will become deputy dean of Humanities and the Arts. As a working mother, she reflects here on…

Women’s History Month

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH   Some links to resources of possible interest: Women’s History Month; National Women’s History Project; New York Times Learning Network: Celebrate Women’s History Month; Smithsonian Education: Women’s History Teaching Resources; Science NetLinks: Women’s History Month; National Education Association: Women’s History Month in the Classroom;