BY AARON BARLOW From the Long Island University Faculty Federation website: We have won a victory. The administration will end their unprecedented lockout effective 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, September 14. We will be reunited with our students and can resume our professional lives. Our collective bargaining agreement is extended until May 31, 2017, and the administration…

In (Slight) Praise of Indexing

By AARON BARLOW A few minutes ago, I submitted the index for my next book to my publisher. The task, one I have performed for all of my books that have indexes, is a pain in the neck. Just when you think you are done with everything and can turn to new projects, you have to buckle…

LIU Lockout Scheduled for Midnight

BY AARON BARLOW There’s a short piece on Inside Higher Ed today that says the Long Island University at Brooklyn administration will lock out faculty members starting at midnight “unless the faculty union immediately ratifies a contract and that it has lined up new faculty members to teach.” This is all sorts of crazy. One…

Oh, the Humanities!

BY AARON BARLOW When I first heard the term “Digital Humanities” a decade ago, it seemed like something brewed up for use by those who want to poison the humanities—still does. It appeared to be nothing more than something developed by those with a little knowledge of C. P. Snow’s The Two Cultures and the…

New Contract at CUNY

POSTED BY AARON BARLOW From the Professional Staff Congress: New York—CUNY’s 25,000 faculty and professional staff will get a long-overdue raise now that 94 percent of voting members ratified a new union contract, according to PSC President Barbara Bowen, who thanked union members for their hard work and commitment. The agreement between the Professional Staff…

Exactly Why I Don't Like Dependence on Grant Funding

BY AARON BARLOW Over the past few years, I’ve become less and less enthusiastic about grants as a funding mechanism for higher-education-related projects. It’s not just the Koch brothers and their use of grants to promote particular ideologies but even the gentler tugs by funders such as the NEH toward consideration of particular arenas or inclusion…